Little Noses Stuffy Nose Kit, 1 kit (Pack of 4)
Little Remedies - below for more information.
- Contains Nasal Aspirator and Saline Spray/drops
Little Remedies
Nasal aspirator plus saline spray/drops for newborns & infants. Pediatrician recommended. Helps newborns & infants breathe easier! Nasal aspirator with soft, flexible angled tip. Helps remove mucous for easier breathing. Latex free. Saline Spray/Drops: 0.
Little Noses Stuffy Nose Kit, 1 kit (Pack of 4)
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What happened to Little Remedies products?
Best answer:
Studies have shown that these cold meds for children rarely work and pose a danger to the little ones. It is not safe. Overdoses are common with these meds and not worth the risk since these meds don't actually work for babies.i live in illinois and i was just in walgreens and i saw little remedies idk what couldve happenedYou can still get them in Canada. Not sure about the US.
However the "cold remedies don't work" study is a load of bunk, that's not what the study showed at all.
Or maybe the placebo syrup they used in the study is actually effective against coughs! The children in the DM group got up to 30 mg of DM; those in the antihistamine group got up to 50 mg of antihistamine; but those in the placebo group got thousands of milligrams of sugar in the form of Simple Syrup NF – a mixture of sugar and water that is 85 percent sugar. Perhaps the sugar load and recovery thirty minutes before bed relaxed the children and relieved their coughs. We know that even a 12 percent solution of sugar can be a powerful drug, relieving measurable pain by half during a circumcision. Perhaps this placebo syrup functioned as a drug.I love Little Remedies! Here's there site:
Little Brown Bottles
Image by GlenBledsoe
Baby Stuff (BS) - Babies R' Us Haul
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Article by Herbal Remedies
Dandruff is quite common among people. Dandruff is usually the cause of itchiness and redness in the scalp. Normal cases of dandruff can be treated using certain shampoos. Excessive flaking can be a symptom of seborrhea dermatitis or fungal infection also. Dandruff flakes grow in size with the accumulation of dirt. There is a good reason for this outcome. Shampoos and such do not cure dandruff! The last thing that cosmetic companies want to do is give you the solution because it would mean no money for them.
The flakiness, itching, dry scalp, and burning sensations associated with dandruff has caused me and millions of other men and women a great deal of pain and frustration. However, due to the stress from dandruff I began a search for a true dandruff treatment! You have probably tried numerous shampoos, lotions, and ointments, in an effort to treat your dandruff. Maybe some of them helped with the symptoms temporarily, but I am willing to bet that none of them really served as a solution to your problem.
Mix one part vinegar to three parts water, soak your hair, and wrap a towel tightly around your head. Leave the mixture on overnight and rinse the next morning. Mix one part lemon juice with two parts vinegar, applies to the scalp and leaves it on for 5-10 minutes. Then mix a raw egg into your regular shampoo and shampoo your hair. Mix equal parts of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and let sit for about five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Then rinse well.
Massaging the scalp with fenugreek paste, almond oil or lemon juice mixed with vinegar also treats mild dandruff and are some popular home remedies. Eggs can be beaten and the mixture can be massaged on the hair and scalp or you can mix 100 gm witch hazel with a little bit of lemon juice and apply it on hair and scalp for immediate relief. You should also take care to not use excessive hair styling gels or sprays or wear tight fitting hats to guard yourself against dandruff. Good personal hygiene, good diet, avoiding improper shampooing and nutritional supplements will help in maintaining good scalp and hair.
Even though there are tons of remedies for dandruff, the more common treatment is dandruff-control shampoo. Please remember that dandruff can be controlled but it cannot be cured. Neutrogena, Head and Shoulders, and Selsun Blue have very well-known dandruff shampoos that you can find at your local drug store or super market. These should be the first resource if you are experiencing dandruff. If you find these shampoos do not work, then you should probably make an appointment with a dermatologist. A dermatologist can evaluate your dandruff issue and get you a prescription to control the dandruff.
Boil five teaspoons of dried used tea leaves in lime water and use it as a last rinse after shampoo. It will give the hair a lustrous shine and provides nourishment too.Take a well balanced diet and include green leafy vegetables and fruits. It is an effective home remedy for dandruff. Always keep your hair clean. Avoid their direct exposure from atmospheric pollutants. It also helps in dandruff cure.
Read about Herbal Remedies also know more about Arthritis Treatment and Natural Beautiful Breasts
Orignal From: Little Noses Stuffy Nose Kit, 1 kit (Pack of 4)
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