Spectro Multi-Vita-Min - 360 - Capsule
Solaray - below for more information.
- Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. These statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat
Description: Spectro™ Multi-Vita-Min™, dietary supplement, Natural Beta Carotene complex in a base of Siberian Ginseng. Size: 360ct Directions: As a dietary supplement, take 1 to 6 capsules daily with meals or a glass of water. Serving Size: 6 Capsule 60 Servings per container Ingredients: Amoun
Spectro Multi-Vita-Min - 360 - Capsule
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My 8-year old has slight ADHD. Anyone have experience using ProDHA or Focus by a company called Solaray?
Best answer:
ABANDON THAT THOUGHT! Drugging children for so-called "ADHD" (one of the biggest myths of our time) is child abuse!
Doctors who prescribe these medications should have their licesnses taken away and run out of practice, in my opinion, and the schools who claim "ADHD" to hide their own miserable failure by blaming the kids should be shut down by the authorities. Remove your child from that evil institution as a first course of action.
I wish that you would go over there and have them "focus" on your fist.I know want you going through. I have a 5 year old that has ADHD. Also he go to kindergarden all day. He need to foucs during school. I know he doesn't at home. Once a week he bring homework home. And I try to work with him with that. Medicine will work and a doctor would talk with you all kind of medicine. My niece had failed her first year preschool. And they found out that she had ADHD they put her on medicine.She past kindgardeb next year and now she in second grade. Good luck and wish you good on everything.I have seen both sides of this issue. I was diagnosed as a child (over 20 years ago) with ADHD. I never needed medication to succeed in school. My brother has ADD and he can't function without his medication...even now, and he's 30.
I am a firm believer in the fact that medication should be a last resort (even homeopathic ones).
Step One: talk to you son. at 8 years old, he should be able to determine what is hard for him. Tell him it's ok to feel frustrated and all that and you will help him anyway you can, you just need him to tell you what he thinks he needs.
Step Two: should be to find your son a counselor who can help him learn ways to keep his focus. For a long time I wore a rubberband on my wrist that I could sit there snapping so I had something to do with my hands while I listened to the teachers. (different things work for different people). When I read, I have to take a book mark or piece of paper and hold it just above or below the line I am reading so I can keep track of where I am (get distracted, look up for a second, find the place right away instead of re-reading the whole page). Without these coping skills, no medication will really help that much. I'v e also found that my assignment book was my best friend. Write everything down. It also helps when you have a bunch of things to do, make a list and prioratize. It's a good motivator to see what you have accomplished and keeps you on task for the things you need to do.
Step Three: set up a routine and structure. It's much easier for anyone to focus for homework and all that when you have a set routine. Work with your son to plan a schedule for his day. Try setting a few shorter study periods through out the evening instead of one long one. After each period, go over what he has done, then allow him to pick an activity for a certain period of time. It can be very tiring to have to focus for a long time, so the breaks will help him regain his focus. Just be sure to set up the time frame. Half hour homework, half hour free time or something and make sure that work is getting done during the homework time. You can also try a radio in the background while he works on his homework...I tend to be able to focus better when I am multi-tasking...it may or may not help him...worth a shot.
Step four: talk to his teachers. many of my teachers used to get very angry when they saw me doodling while they were teaching. they would stop and ask me a question about what they had just said and I would repeat practically word for word until they were satisfied that I knew what was going on.
Eventually, as I got older, I started telling the teachers on the first day of school about my ADHD (this was all new back then, so many of them had no idea).
The biggest thing is to communicate with your son and his teachers. Find out if he is getting good grades and if he feels ok about his work.
Give your son the options of the different medications available...both the benefits and possible side effects. Tell him that you will not force him to take the medication, but if he feels that he needs the extra help to focus, then you will help him find the right medication for him.Focus didn't do anything for my son. Diet did help though. Have a look at www.fedup.com.au
We don't do the diet anymore although i am careful with artificial colours now. When the child is on the diet, they can learn knew habits and break the old bad ones. Good luck and good on you for not going down the drug path.
Organik Time Machine w/ SolaRay FireDancing Tribe - pt. 2
Orignal From: Spectro Multi-Vita-Min - 360 - Capsule
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