Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer, Vanilla Chai Flavor, 34.9 oz
Total Health Discount Vitamins - below for more information.
- Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. These statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat
Total Health Discount Vitamins
Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer Made exclusively from natural plant-based whole foods, Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer is nutritionally complete, alkaline and easy to digest. Formulated by Brendan Brazier, vegan, professional Ironman triathlete and best-selling author on performance nutrition, Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer is a synergistic collection of plant-based superfoods. Each serving of Health Optimizer is power-packed with nutrition, yet only has 240 calories! Here's what sets Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer apart: Broad Spectrum Protein 40% of calories made up of protein from five sources, ensuring a complete, balanced amino acid profile 30% of protein is raw and alkaline for easy digestion Essential Fatty Acids 25% of calories made up of naturally occurring EFAs As much Omega-3 per serving as 6 oz of wild salmon Quality Carbohydrates 35% of calories made up of low glycemic complex carbohydrates for enduring energy Contai
Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer, Vanilla Chai Flavor, 34.9 oz
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(EngSub) 110831 Vitamin part 1
Video Rating: 5 / 5
How Discount Vitamins Can Lead The Way To Better Health
Article by Freelance Writer
Discount vitamins can change a life for the better! To be even more succinct, the money one saves by purchasing name brand vitamins at a discount can be the basis for a healthier, more robust lifestyle. For instance, ordering 100 Acerola ChewableVitamin C on line at a discounted price of .89, saves the buyer .61 from the list price of .50. If one of these 500-mg Vitamin C chewables were taken every day as part of a vitamin regimen, in about three months, the savings would be more than six and a half dollars. And this is merely for one type of vitamin. If similar savings of four different vitamins were totaled for three months, over .00 would be saved.
Alright, the money saved can surely make one happy, but can it have a life-renewing effect? How about turning those dollars into avenues of good health? With that .00, one can purchase a stretchy band for around , and join a yoga exercise group. Or just can provide one with swimming shoes, which are just perfect for a water aerobics class.
If three months can yield .00, then a year would accumulate 4 or more. With this amount of saved cash, a new pair of running shoes or super-comfort walking shoes are well within one's budget. Also, the mileage saved by not having to drive to the mall to purchase vitamins at a health store saves on gas, itself a huge wallet-drainer. If the mall is fifteen miles away, a round trip drive would use approximately one gallon of gas (depending on the automobile being used), and another .00 or so can be spent to improve one's health, rather that at the service station pump.
So maybe a trip to the mall is necessary anyway, perhaps to purchase the new walking shoes for which one has saved by buying discount vitamins. While at the mall, a brisk lap inside the mall perhaps just before the stores open up is a grand way to start off a shopping trip. New friendships with other mall walkers can be made, which is definitely a lifestyle improvement. No one ever has enough friends, especially those who are likewise inclined toward aerobic exercise.
If one's mall-walking occurs at noon, perhaps on a lunch hour from work, stop by the food court and use vitamin-inspired savings to purchase health-friendly foods. A salad that contains spinach, almonds, and berries, all excellent antioxidant-rich foods will springboard one's healthy lifestyle by leaps and bounds. Add a fresh fruit smoothie for dessert! And while walking, don't forget to drink liquids, such as value-added water with vitamins in it. All of which can be paid for with one's vitamin savings.
Depending on the number of different vitamins one takes, and the amounts that are purchased, the savings when buying discount vitamins can add up to some other significant purchases. How does a membership in an exercise facility, or a new bicycle, or tennis racket sound? None of these purchases are beyond reach if the savings are put aside. Just keep careful track on paper or actually drop the dollars and coins into a jar or bank, and watch them grow with every vitamin order.
If it's more fun to figure savings daily, then look at these figures. Saving .42 daily will yield 6 per year or 8 in three years, surely enough for an airline ticket to either the American coast, for beach running or walking, swimming in the ocean, or even surfing or wind-surfing. All of these activities are perfect for improving one's overall health. Of course, the merits of a vacation cannot be measured for what it does in raising one's spirits. Remember, mental health is as equally important as physical health.
While on the topic of mental health, why not use those saved dollars toward purchases for relaxation, too? All that's needed is enough money to purchase a CD by a favorite group, or save on the purchase of two or three bottles of vitamins. Maybe a work-out DVD could be purchased instead. Self-improvement tapes or videos would make good use of the money as well.
Perhaps the best purchase of all would be a DVD of a favorite comedian. In a study by cardiologists from the University of Maryland, it was found that laughter may actually prevent heart disease. It was shown that an active sense of humor, along with laughter, may protect against a heart attack. So what better heart-healthy use is there of one's new found savings? Laugh all the way to one's piggy bank! It is good preventative medicine, and it also improves one's general appearance. A smile on one's face is an indicator to the world that one is approachable, friendly, and a joy to be around.
On the topic of one's spiritual health, one hardly needs to be reminded of the energizing effects of doing a good deed. With the money saved by vitamins on line, one should consider sending flowers to a relative or dear friend. Every good deed one does comes back tenfold to the one who does the deed. He or she may not necessarily get ten bouquets in return, but the heartfelt thanks and smiles that are given in return for the gift, are priceless. As the giver warms the heart of the receiver, so does the giver reap the rewards of his own joyful heart.
Finally, to convince a person to save with on-line discount vitamins, here's one more super suggestion. One needs to save around 0, because this is the average figure an animal shelter charges for rescuing a dog. Think of the benefits of a wonderful canine friend! One's psyche is stroked by the loving attributes of a sweet animal friend, while the walks that are given to the dog are healthy for the owner as well. New research from the University of Missouri-Columbia suggests that hormonal changes happen when dogs and people interact. Preliminary results of a study indicate that just a few minutes of petting a dog causes the release of "feel good" hormones (such as serotonin) in people. These hormonal changes could actually aid in coping with depression and other stress-related problems. What a wonderful way to spend those extra bucks that can be saved from buying vitamins at a discount! So go on-line, and research for yourself just how much you can save. Use the savings wisely to improve your physical and mental health.
Orignal From: Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer, Vanilla Chai Flavor, 34.9 oz
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