All Terrain Kids Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent Spray
Newt Naturals - below for more information.
- Natural, DEET-Free insect repellent
- Clinically proven 100% effective for two hours, 95.8% effective for three
- Allergy tested, proven non-irritating, for sensitive skin
- Sweat and water resistant; won't damage clothing or equipment
- 4 ounce spray bottle
Newt Naturals
All Terrain Kids' Herbal Armor is a highly-effective, safe, natural, DEET-Free insect repellent that uses six natural-repelling oils at 25% total concentration. A patented time-released encapsulation has been clinically proven to be 100% effective for two hours and 95.8% for three hours. Herbal Armor is non-irritating, allergy tested, and safe for sensitive skin. Made for active outdoor enthusiasts, Herbal Armor is sweat and water-resistant for active lifestyles. Won't damage clothing or equipment. Meets strict standards for natural ingredients.
All Terrain Kids Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent Spray
on the button for more Newt Naturals information and reviews.
What do i need to set up my fire belly newt's habitat?
Best answer:
A 10 GALLON TANK PUT SAND ON THE BOTTOM, THEN LARGE PIECES OF GRAVEL TOO BIG FOR HIM TO SWALLOW AND ROCKS AND A LOG WATER TEMPERATURE should be at 60-70 degrees add floating plants minimal water flow on filtration system.
They like to eat earth worms,crickets, and slugs.20 gallons is a good size:
i wouldnt say any gravel as it can be sharp and they can eat suprisingly big things, smooth rocks or pebbles, sand is also an option but it can irritate there skin and eyes (especially when disturbed)
they need water, an area to get out of said water and thats about it. things like plants and hides are all good addition. be creative but make sure anything used is very very well cleaned. they dont need any heating etc so u dont need to worry about that
P.S. i still maintain your "wild fire belly newt" is a Rough-skinned Newt (Taricha granulosa) its A: a native species B: look a bit like a fire belly newt (ish)
check this out
here's a caresheet for fire belly newts if u still think its one
if u wanna email me a photo i can tell u exactly waht species you have as there are many species that look like fire belly newts (e.g. paddle tailed newts, other cynops specis and Taricha species and many more)
Image by machoroboraza
Orignal From: All Terrain Kids Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent Spray
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