Ezy Dose 7-day Locking Pill Reminder - Large
e-pill Medication Reminders - below for more information.
- Features a locking device that prevents spills inside your purse, briefcase or suitcase
- Lids won't accidentally open and spill the contents when dropped
- Can be used with or without locking device
- Each lid features a large imprinted letter designating the day of the week as well as braille markings
- Each compartment holds approximately 20 aspirin
e-pill Medication Reminders
This seven day pill organizer is a great tool to remind you to take your medication. Simply stock a week's worth of medicine or vitamins into the large, easy to open compartments. Fits easily into your purse, pocket, briefcase, suitcase or gym bag. With this pill box, you won't have to tote around your large pill bottles anymore! This seven-day medication organizer will help you remember your medication, and make sure you use the correct dosage.
Ezy Dose 7-day Locking Pill Reminder - Large
on the button for more e-pill Medication Reminders information and reviews.
e-pill MedSmart PLUS Automatic Pill Dispenser w FREE Monitoring
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Walking - The New Health Prevention Pill
Article by Jim O'Connor
Walking - The New Health Prevention Pill
If I could bottle up a special health prevention pill, it would be comprised of your shoes, and feet. Recent research has shown just how much morepowerful walking is than previously thought.
I don't need to be convinced, since peopleregularly see me walking all over Los Angeleswith my training clients. They have all benefited from the powerful, health producing, results of their walkingprograms.
Compared to other cardiovascular training methods, walking is extremely convenient, and inexpensive. You can walk just about anywhere. All you need is a pair of shoes, and you are off. No expensive high tech equipment isnecessary. How much easier can it be?
Another positive feature of walking is its low impact onjoints, muscles, and bones, as well as, for most people,the physical ease of doing it.
Three recent research studies suggested there are even morebenefits associated with brisk walking. These benefitsinclude better survival rates for women with breastcancer, reduced risk of endometrial cancer, and lower rates of cardiovascular challenges.
Please be aware, walking should not be simply a shoppingstroll, but a brisk, 2.0 mph plus walk. Your walking heart rateshould reach more than 55% of your maximum heartrate for an extended period of time. Your maximum heartrate can be calculated by taking 220 minus your age.
The breast cancer study was recently published inThe Journal of the American Medical Association, andwas conducted at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Women diagnosed with breast cancerwho walked 2-3 mph, 1-3 days per week were 20% lesslikely to die from the disease. Those who walked 3-5 times per week reduced their risk by 50%.
The study suggested physical activity has been linkedto lower levels of circulating ovarian hormones, whichcould explain the relationship between physical activity and breast cancer.
The endometrial cancer study, conducted at Vanderbilt University, and the Shanghai Cancer Institute, found thatwomen who walked for exercise in adolescence and adulthoodhad a 37 percent reduced risk of the disease. Even post menopausal women who recently started to walkreduced their risk 24%. The study sample was 1700 women. Reductions in risk began after 25 minutes perday up to 50 minutes per day.
In another study conducted at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, researchers examined the effects of 30 minutes of self paced, brisk walking, 5 days per weekfor 50-65 year old individuals.
The results were very impressive with significantdecreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure,reduction in stroke risk, and increased functionalcapacity.
Now that we understand some of the many great healthbenefits of walking, we need to understandwhat is the best way motivate yourself to get those 3-5 days per week in.
Researchers have found that counting steps is by far more motivational than using time to trackprogress. Shoot for 10,000 steps per day. I recommendinvesting in a pedometer to keep track of the total amount of steps you walk per day. You can find them anywhereonline, or at your local sporting good store.
10,000 steps per day walkers seem to be more aware of how many more steps they need to achieve their goal as a resultof the constant reminder from the pedometer.
A good resource for the 10,000 steps concept is The Step Diet: Count Steps, Not Calories to Lose Weight and Keep It Off Forever.
Staying consistent, week after week, with your walkingprogram is great, but adding 2 days of strength training,and flexibility work is even better.
For my "secret health prevention pill" consider starting a walking program today. Lace up your shoes, take theprevention pill, and pound the pavement!______________________________________________
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*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your eZine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.
Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter
Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967
Orignal From: Ezy Dose 7-day Locking Pill Reminder - Large
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