
Respironics OptiChamber Advantage Valved Holding Chamber for Use with Metered Dose Inhalers - Spacer

Respironics OptiChamber Advantage Valved Holding Chamber for Use with Metered Dose Inhalers - Spacer

Respironics - below for more information.

  • Materials: OptiChamber® is constructed of high-quality thermoplastics. The valve and mask are silicone rubber. OptiChamber products contain no latex.
  • Maintenance: OptiChamber® can be completely disassembled for cleaning. Warm water and mild soap are recommended. All parts are top-rack dishwasher-safe except the valve and face mask.
  • Quality Assurance: 100% of OptiChamber® units are quality-control inspected at the factory before shipment.
  • Life Span: With proper care (i.e., cleaning and routine valve replacement), OptiChamber® should last at least one year. Replacing the valve can increase the longevity of OptiChamber.


OptiChamber Advantage Valved Holding Chamber helps your patients get the best part of their asthma inhaler medication in the most efficient way. With optimal performance and optimal value, OptiChamber Advantage gives you and your patients the advantage in metered dose inhaler therapy. And OptiChamber Advantage is an ideal pediatric chamber that easily adapts to all patient needs. Multi-sized Pediatric Masks attach directly to the mouthpiece for superior fit and comfort when assisting infants and small children with inhaler medications. When no longer needed, the masks can be removed for optimal drug delivery without buying a new chamber. OptiChamber Advantge's replaceable low-resistance valve is sensitive enough to respond to the lowest of pediatric flow rates. And its MDI adapter accommodates all CFC and HFA inhalers, making OptiChamber Advantage the most versatile and cost-effective product of its kind.

Respironics OptiChamber Advantage Valved Holding Chamber for Use with Metered Dose Inhalers - Spacer

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how to adjust hg pressure on Respironics Model 100M series cpap machine?

Best answer:
umm...Your best bet would be to call your home health company. Most CPAP machines today - the home health company has the settings stored on a 'card' that they have to take back and place into the computer to change the settings. If you have a doctor's order for the change - it shouldn't be a problem.

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Orignal From: Respironics OptiChamber Advantage Valved Holding Chamber for Use with Metered Dose Inhalers - Spacer

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