Fat Like Me
Pretty Like Me - below for more information.
Pretty Like Me
Fat Like Me
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212. The World Is Watching...
Image by lism.
Me Talk Pretty One Day
Pretty Like Me - below for more information.
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Pretty Like Me
A recent transplant to Paris, humorist David Sedaris, bestselling author of "Naked", presents a collection of his strongest work yet, including the title story about his hilarious attempt to learn French. A number one national bestseller now in paperback.David Sedaris became a star autobiographer on public radio, onstage in New York, and on bestseller lists, mostly on the strength of "SantaLand Diaries," a scathing, hilarious account of his stint as a Christmas elf at Macy's. (It's in two separate collections, both worth owning, Barrel Fever and the Christmas-themed Holidays on Ice.) Sedaris's caustic gift has not deserted him in his fourth book, which mines poignant comedy from his peculiar childhood in North Carolina, his bizarre career path, and his move with his lover to France. Though his anarchic inclination to digress is his glory, Sedaris does have a theme in these reminiscences: the inability of humans to communicate. The title is his rendition in transliterated English of how
Me Talk Pretty One Day
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Madcon - Freaky Like Me w/Lyrics
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Chris Farrell -- IM Report Cards No.1 Rated Coach -- releases his much talked about exclusive mentoring program. Chris Mentor Me guarantees every student will make money online within 6 weeks.
Chris Mentor Me
Work At Home Successfully Like Me
Article by Jason McEntyre
First of all I am not trying to sell you anything! All I'm doing is giving you my story and some recommendations if you are looking to work from home without getting f**ked in the a*s by the countless c**k sucking bottom feeders here on the Internet who's only purpose in life is to suck your cash out of your wallet into theirs. These f**ckers get away with this time and time again because of dumb bastards like me and probably you. Unfortunately (and luckily as well I suppose) for me I'm a stubborn SOB and when my wife and family (but mostly associates) would say "stop blowing money" and that "the whole work at home concept is crap" I didn't listen. I just wasted more and more money. I was absolutely certain that one day someone with half a soul would post something online that was worth a toss and that could show me how to indeed work from home and make some money online. If I had found this article while I was looking I would've saved myself a pretty penny!
I'm know knee deep into making money online. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Now I've been at this for some time now and I'm starting to make a decent amount of $ $ $ doing so. If you type in "work from home" into a search engine there will be literally hundreds of sites you can go to to make your millions overnight. After a bit of surfing you get to see a pattern with nearly all of them. They all say the same old shit!!! Make 6 figure incomes in two weeks, earn 5000 bucks overnight, get paid your yearly salary in 10 Min's. I'm gonna stop now coz this is pi*sing me off.
Just bare with me for a sec while I go off subject. I wanna talk about the word 'system' for a tick. You'll find this word appears everywhere when you are looking for something of the work from home nature. I hate it when these f**kers use this word and it took me a couple of years to come to this. To me a system should basically be a step by step procedure (of which every step is outlined in detail) that you follow to achieve an outcome of some kind. SO WRONG!!!! Nine times out of ten you'll get some crappy 'e' book that will not only pi*s you off but leave you out of pocket with absolutely no idea at all what you're supposed to do with it. That's not a 'system' its a rip off!!!
A lot of them will briefly cover a concept then send you off to multiple links which they say will help explaining the shit that they are talking about but it doesn't usually. What really pis*es me off is that most of these links are either broken, free online anyway, links to other shitty work form home sites (which used to really f**k me off) or just as full of a*s juice as your new 'e' book. What cracks me up is that these sites (which are usually a huge page full of "I'm rich as f**k and only work 10 mins a day" text reworded over and over again and 30 bullsh*t testimonials) will tell you that they guarantee that their system will have you earning squillions in days, weeks or months then they have (right down the bottom usually in tiny text) an earnings disclaimers saying the opposite????? Go figure. Then for a better laugh look at all the 30, 60, 90 Day no questions asked money back guarantees......bahahahahahaha!!!! If you look in the terms & conditions sometimes it will state that you must give proof that the information you purchased from them was of no use to you, didn't work and/or why you think you couldn't apply the information for the purpose you purchased it for. Wait a minute...........what happened to the no questions asked.......just give me my f**kin money back bi*ch!!!!! And if it doesn't state that in the terms then your still f**ked coz you ain't ever getting your money back and really what are you gonna do about it. Its not like you can go round to their house and beat it out of their a*s (which I would've loved to have done soooo many times) as you'd have to find them first and that is pretty much impossible. So what can you do? Let me tell you. You can sit there and let these cockroaches f**k you in the ass like the stupid pri*k or bi*ch (whatever the case may be) that they now know you to be!!
So if you haven't picked up on it, most guarantee's are sh*t and unfortunately nearly all of the work from home sites and systems are as well. A lot of these cheeky f**kers even tell you that 99% of all these sites are sh*t THEY TELL YOU!!!!!! Luckily enough there site falls into the golden 1%. Now most people would figure out that purchasing from these bastards is not a good idea but like I said earlier I'm a stupid and stubborn SOB and I REALLY wanted to work online from home so I kept buying and buying until I hit something that didn't send my blood pressure through the roof. And boy did I find it!!!
I want to tell you about it. First of all I wanna say again that I'm not pitching a sale at you here. I don't have a website, I don't have a 'SYSTEM' that will make you a millionaire by tomorrow and I don't want your money. What I do want is the chance to tell you what helped me. I'm sort of certain that if you're reading this you're looking for some way to make a buck online with a goal of working full time from home like I was at one time. I honestly (and believe me when I say this) don't give a flying f**k whether you follow my advice or not. The only reason I'm doing this is because I would've loved to have found something like this when I was searching for the same thing.
So back to the story. In my years of searching for something that wasn't full of crap I have signed up for all sorts of crap. Anyway one of these opt-ins was for some free info on working from home. So Being me I gave out my email addy and off I go. So the next time I checked my email I had received all this free info that I opted in for at some time during the previous couple of days. Now I usually read a couple and bin the rest (which for me now is like buying two lottery tickets and throwing one out the window on the way home). Anyway I read one of them and after reading heaps of these types of emails you sort of get a knack for spotting bull sh*t when you see it but this one email caught my attention. Out of curiosity I Googled it and sure enough found the website responsible for the email. The ad took me to this website. I initially thought it was a review site of other Work from Home sites so I gave it a quick squiz. After reading on I realised it was itself a Work From Home system. Being the dumb a*s I am I purchased this. I think I paid about bucks for it. Anyway I downloaded the product and nervously opened it thinking I was about to get another kick in the nads from the Mrs. I think it was around 40 odd pages long and when I looked at the first page I instantly thought NICE ONE DIPSH*T YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN!!!! It looked like all the other sh*t I'd accumulated over the years. By now I'm getting pretty angry so I read through the first couple of pages and by the time I got to about page 4 or 5 I realised that none of what I was reading was familiar. Heaps of the systems and 'e' books I have bought over the years have been the same old sh*t in different packages, well this wasn't. So far it wasn't even close. I braced myself and read on. By the time I got to the end of chapter one and had completed the tasks involved I was already getting the concept behind this system and what was even better I was learning something new!! In it the author stresses not to read the next chapter until you've completed all of the tasks in the previous chapter but I thought if I was this excited about the first chapter then f**k you Mr author its my f**kin book I'll do whatever the hell I want with it. So I read on and F**K ME!!!!!!! The day of days had arrived. FINALLY I had got something that seemed to be both achievable and well within my skill level. I jumped out of my seat and ran to my wife and kicked her square in the ass (quite hard to) as payback on all of the nut shots I had taken over the years whenever I bought another piece of sh*t get rich quick 'e' book.
Anyway after my wife kicked the living sh*t out of me I returned to my computer and for the next 3 or four days I was stuck to it. I spent a weekend and called in sick on Monday and Tuesday to get my a*s through this 'e' book. Anyway this guy is one on-to-it mofo!!! I followed his instructions (with personal email support which I thought kicked a*s as I am sick of auto responder replies) and set up my first online business quite quickly and easily. YEAH!!!! Now finally I could tell all those who doubted the fact that my perseverance would pay off one day to KISS MY HAIRY A*S!!!. O.k so it wasn't millions overnight but they didn't need to know that. Actually I am still to make millions on that venture (I'll get there one day) but it is exactly what it said it would be and it was set up relatively easily exactly how the guy said it would be.
Using what I was taught I set up 3 or 4 different income sources. All of which got easier to set up than the one before, took less time and made more money. Every time I replicated the process I put into action the little things I learnt from the ones before slightly tweaking each one which gave me even better results. Pretty sweet I reckon!!! But do you know the best thing about the this dude (other than his system) is that he (or they) actually send me other work from home opportunities from time to time. I sh*t you not!!!! And if your thinking whys that so good let me fill ya in. I've found someone who's information and experience I know of and trust. So if he sends me some info on another business opportunity and I'm interested there's no need anymore for me to worry about it being some f**kin 'A' hole out for a quick buck at my expense. Its a pretty sweet set up if you ask me!! I have now have multiple ventures running and all but one of them is a direct result of this guys recommendations.
I am doing so much better than I could have imagined 5 years ago and I just want to share it with anyone willing to read this. I get to provide my family with our home and everything we need to live comfortably and its relatively easy. It also gives me a bit of satisfaction knowing that if one person does what i have done the way I have done it then there will be a scamming prick out there who has missed out.
Don't get me wrong it was f**ckin hard work getting to where I am today. By hard work I mean that it took me years, far too much $ $ $ and far too much time to get here. Once I found something half way decent it was pretty much smooth sailing (ish) from then til now. Hopefully my experience will help someone bypass all the really hard stuff and get on with the job. If you want to check this guy out copy the link below into your address bar and have a peek.
I reckon you'd be a sap to not at least give it a look over but hey everyone to their own. If you do give it a go then congrats and all power to ya!!! My personal advice to anyone with the balls to do this would be to make sure you give it a f**kin good lash coz believe me its worth it. Don't listen to the pack. You will get stick (like I did) from anyone you tell. F**k them. Let them work for someone else until the day they f**kin die. Excuse my harshness but it annoys me to no end when I tell people what I do and they try and shoot me down as being stupid without ever having done anything like this. I'm really a nice guy but those with "tall poppy syndrome" (Google that last term if you dont know what it is) can go get f**ked. As far as I'm concerned there are two kinds of people in this world. People that can and do and people that can go get f**ked hahahahahaha!!!!! So anyway don't bother even trying this unless you're committed and really really want something better out of your life. When you get what your looking for you'll kick yourself knowing that you could have done it ages ago, I did. So for those that have made it this far (probably people that can and do) what are ya waiting for. Again the link is
Go Hard or pi*s off!!!!!!!!
Wishing you my success if you want it
Orignal From: Fat Like Me
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