
Tuli's Heavy Duty Heel Cups, Large (Over 175lbs)

Tuli's Heavy Duty Heel Cups, Large (Over 175lbs)

Heel - below for more information.

  • Reduces heel pain
  • Provides shock absorption
  • Provides heel cushion


Tuli's Double-Ribbed Heavy Duty Heel Cups are the most advanced shock absorbing heel cups available today. The primary force of the heel strike is absorbed by the larger and higher waffle pattern while the lower and denser waffle pattern absorbs the "high pressure" and final force spike of heel strike. Perfect for sports activities.

Tuli's Heavy Duty Heel Cups, Large (Over 175lbs)

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What wwe wrestlers do you think should turn heel and or turn face?

Best answer:
CM Punk should turn a heel.think cena would be good heel, orton isnt even a likeable heel hes just a jerk

tna revolutionjbl wudnt make a gud face,as i mentioned in the other post, only an APA beer swilling bradshaw wud make a gud face. If edge had to turn face remember someone else wud have to turn heel to maintain balance in the title picture.and while he was an awesome face all those years, he always seemed like a heel waiting to come out and when it did his career really got elevated to main event so he wudnt go heel.

orton wudnt turn face cos he's much better when he doesnt have to pander to the crowd and the entire legacy krapstable hasnt run its course. and if anything does happen there regarding a breakup, then either rhodes or dibiase wud leave like shelton and haas did with angle in 2002.

Jeff doesnt have the mic skills to turn heel and his moves are risky crowd pleasers anyway. I've wanted cena to turn heel for years now cos he just bores me!!! he had the rapper image when he broke out, but cud u REALLY pinpoint his gimmick now? NO cos he doesnt have one, not even sure he knows.lol. so a heel turn wud give something fresh to the wwe, but alas he makes to much money for wwe off those viewers who still hold their parent's hands when crossing the road.If I could be serious for a minute:

Kozlov should turn both his heels and leave the WWE because he sucks. He can't even sell the snake eyes. Stupid moron.


Image by twicepix

Anderson Silva caught flying scissor heel hook

A Silva got caught
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Orignal From: Tuli's Heavy Duty Heel Cups, Large (Over 175lbs)

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